Published on 13 Dec 2022 on Benzinga via Yahoo Finance
BeyondSpring Inc (NASDAQ: BYSI) presented data from the lead asset, plinabulin, for the prevention of docetaxel-induced neutropenia (DIN) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.In summary, data from 101 and 103 studies, plinabulin demonstrated a superior benefit for Gr4N, Gr3/4N, all GrN, and duration of severe neutropenia (DSN) compared to the control. There was a reduction in mean DSN of >1 day for plinabulin vs. control.In the 105 study, NSCLC pts with at least one febrile neutropenia (FN), plinabulin was superior for preventing DIN and hematologic complications vs. control: Grade 4 Neutropenia: 17% with plinabulin vs. 40% with placebo.Related: BeyondSpring's Lead Cancer Drug Protects Bone Marrow Stem Cells Within 24 Hours.In addition, the mean DSN was 0.43 days for plinabulin vs. 1.32 days for placebo.There was also a good quality of life and safety profile with plinabulin.In summary, despite a higher frequency of ANC sampling in cycle 1, plinabulin was superior vs. no-treatment for DIN and hematologic complications.Quality of life was maintained, and there were minimal adverse effects, including minimal bone pain burden in the plinabulin arm vs. no treatment.Price Action: BYSI shares are up 30.7% at $0.99 on the last check Tuesday.
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