Published on 29 Aug 2022 on Benzinga via Yahoo Finance
BeyondSpring Inc (NASDAQ: BYSI) announced new data from a study evaluating the reduction in neutropenia burden with lead asset plinabulin in combination with pegfilgrastim in multiple myeloma.The study included patients who have undergone autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHCT) and have received a high dose of melphalan, a type of chemotherapy.Median white blood count on Day 0, 1 and 2 was 7.6 (3.6 – 9.8), 5 (3.2 – 13.6) and 18.7 (5.1-59.1) x 10^9 cells/L, respectively.Related: BeyondSpring Cuts On-Third Of Its Workforce.Of the eight engrafted patients, the median time to absolute neutrophil count > 0.5 x 10^9 cells/L was 11 days. The median number of days of ANC was <0.1 and <0.5 were two and five days, respectively;Six patients had a fever at a median of eight days post-AHCT. Five patients with engraftment syndrome were treated with steroids, and there was one patient with non-engraftment-related neutropenic fever.No patients have progressed or died.Half of the patients had hypertension immediately after the plinabulin infusion, which is known toxicity and resolved within a few hours.Price Action: BYSI shares are up 0.98% at $1.34 on the last check Monday.
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