Published on 25 Apr 2024 on Simply Wall St. via Yahoo Finance
Key Insights
Stepan to hold its Annual General Meeting on 30th of AprilCEO Scott Behrens' total compensation includes salary of US$933.3kThe total compensation is similar to the average for the industryOver the past three years, Stepan's EPS fell by 31% and over the past three years, the total loss to shareholders 32%
Shareholders will probably not be too impressed with the underwhelming results at Stepan Company (NYSE:SCL) recently. At the upcoming AGM on 30th of April, shareholders can hear from the board including their plans for turning around performance. This will be also be a chance where they can challenge the board on company direction and vote on resolutions such as executive remuneration. We present the case why we think CEO compensation is out of sync with company performance.