Published on 10 Nov 2019 on Simply Wall St. via Yahoo Finance
Today we'll take a closer look at Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (AMS:BOKA) from a dividend investor's perspective. Owning a strong business and reinvesting the dividends is widely seen as an attractive way of growing your wealth. If you are hoping to live on your dividends, it's important to be more stringent with your investments than the average punter. Regular readers know we like to apply the same approach to each dividend stock, and we hope you'll find our analysis useful.
A slim 2.4% yield is hard to get excited about, but the long payment history is respectable. At the right price, or with strong growth opportunities, Royal Boskalis Westminster could have potential. Some simple analysis can reduce the risk of holding Royal Boskalis Westminster for its dividend, and we'll focus on the most important aspects below.