Published on 17 Oct 2022 on Market Watch
Shares of Mohawk Industries Inc. inched 0.27% higher to $96.51 Monday, on what proved to be an all-around positive trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index rising 2.65% to 3,677.95 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising 1.86% to 30,185.82. Mohawk Industries Inc. closed $102.86 short of its 52-week high ($199.37), which the company reached on October 28th.
The stock underperformed when compared to some of its competitors Monday, as Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc. rose 0.68% to $55.87, Trex Co. Inc. rose 0.95% to $45.65, and Armstrong World Industries Inc. rose 1.86% to $80.98. Trading volume (605,348) remained 7,448 below its 50-day average volume of 612,796.